West 240 and our community

Your Community League Board recognizes that development of West 240 is top of mind with all Grandview Heights residents. This is a complex, multi-year project that will impact all of us to varying degrees. We are committed to keeping you, our neighbors, informed and up to date as much as possible; hence the creation of this web page. We will post updates, event notifications, opinions and more on this page.

We strongly encourage everyone to personally attend all of the Open Houses in order to gain firsthand information. They provide  us with the opportunity to speak directly to representatives of the University of Alberta Properties Trust, UAPT. The UAPT is an independent trust charged with developing the W240 and other lands owned by the University of Alberta.

Our Community’s #1 Priority

There are many moving parts to this development project. Not all are equally critical or significant. After reviewing the feedback and design options presented at the June 7, 2023 West 240 Open House it was decided that the number 1 area to focus on for now is vehicular access into Grandview Heights. We believe that allowing vehicular access into Grandview from West 240 will have the single greatest negative impact on our Community.

This impacts the green belt and multi-use trail that currently forms the south border of our community. This impacts the safety and enjoyment of experiencing our neighborhood. It will bring more vehicles, more noise and emissions pollution, particularly when there is a backup on 122st. and drivers “cut through” Grandview.

When fully built out, West 240 will be adding at least 5500 people with the potential for several thousand more. This could result in 62 Avenue being reclassified as an arterial road. If that happens, much greater development densification will be allowed for 2-4 blocks north of 62 Avenue.

Project Time Line

Blue filled boxes represent UAPT activities. Orange filled boxes are specific GH activities.

Project Timeline as of July 2023 (click on the image to view)

Project Timeline as of July 2023

For Additional Information

About the West 240 development specifically: west240.site

About the University of Alberta Properties Trust ( UAPT): uapt.ca

Contact the West 240 Committee via email: West 240 Inquiry

Upcoming Event/Meetings

  • There is no upcoming event / meeting setup for the time being, please come back to check as we update this area frequently.

Actions To Date

  • Sept 19, 2024 The Grandview Heights Community League (GHCL) has established a committee to manage the league's relationship with the U of A on a range of matters including the West 240 development. Lee Ward, our new U of A Liaison, will chair the committee, which has three members currently. Sandra Marin and Anish Neupane have also agreed to sit on the committee along with Lee. They will report back to the board on the group's work and take direction from the board on issues that may arise. So,e of the highlights of this year concerning West 240 are:
    • The most recent open house was held to update Grandview residents on June 12, 2024. Revisions to the previous version of the plan were outlined for residents' information and further questions.
    • On July 3, 2024, Lee met with Greg Dewling, CEO and President of the University of Alberta Property Trust (UAPT) to discuss the current status of the project and what is envisioned as the immediate timeline for West 240. This includes the progress on the Neighborhood Area Structure Plan. Lee reiterated Grandview Heights Community concerns/questions.  The expectation after this meeting is that the UAPT will have an update in September /October 2024.
    • A followup letter was sent to the UAPT from Grandview Community League to document the meeting and our expectations of a response when available this fall.
  • July 31, 2024 Grandview Heights Community League Board has sent an official response to the University of Alberta Property Trust (UAPT) to capture and summarize the important points that impact the community that were brought forward by Grandview Heights residents at the Open House for West240 held June 12, 2024. In a brief meeting with UAPT, the President and CEO, Greg Dewling confirmed that the residents' messaging from the Open House would be addressed through August and September and a revised Neighborhood Area Structure Plan would be released to the public after that.
  • Nov 8, 2023 UAPT Open House update
  • Aug 23rd West 240 Information Session. Details
  • June 26- July 10, 2023 West 240 Action Tool kit and engagement guide created in conjunction with the South Campus Neighborhood Coalition (SCNC). This will be coming to your mailbox in late July- please keep your eyes open for it. It includes tips on how you can magnify your voice and its impact.
  • June 24, 2023. West 240 Committee held Community meeting for Grandview residents. Provided update on current Board strategy, actions to date, next steps and to solicit volunteers. Support was given for current strategy focusing on vehicular access. Other suggestions included:
    • Creation of other communication vehicles as not all residents are on Community Facebook group.
    • Dedicated web page created for easier access by all residents.
    • Dedicated email created for residents to ask questions, share insights etc.
  • June 23rd Sandra met with Greg Dewling, President and CEO of the University of Alberta Properties Trust. Reviewed Community concerns, specifically our # 1 priority in detail. No commitment was given to provide a design option that does not use Grandview as a vehicular access point for West 240. Please feel free to contact Sandra by completing the contact form here.
  • June 14th letter written to Greg Dewling, President and CEO of the University of Alberta Properties Trust ( UAPT), copied to Councillor Michael Janz, Mayor Amarjeet Sohi, President Lori Kraus. The letter outlined Grandview’s initial reaction to the process, design options presented and requested a meeting with Greg to discuss.
  • June 2023. Creation of a West 240 Committee chaired by Sandra Marin.

Given the scope and impact of this project it was felt that a dedicated group was needed to address the many moving parts. The committee will work in tandem with the Board and specifically with Bala Viswanathan, Board and Committee member and South Campus Neighborhood Coalition (SCNC) representative for Grandview.